
Long time....

Hey guys, long time no talk!!!  Sorry :L  Anywho, I just started high school, and I'm VERY busy lately, thats why I haven't been posting.  Also, I've all but stopped simming.  I'm starting to get more into professional graphic design. :D  But seriously, I'm SOOO busy.  Since school started...

--I became class treasurer
--I got a (-coff- my first -coff-) boyfriend ^-^
--I got a JOB AT 14
--and just generally...I'm in 9TH GRADE.  I am soooooo confused for high school >_<

But yeah, I might just post on this for letting myself get rid of my feelings in a MUTUAL way.  But yeah.  Lemme start on my latest issue :(

Okay, well last weekend was Homecoming!  But since I missed last weekend, and it's a small place so they only have 2 waitresses, I asked if I could take this Saturday off too because my mom had to go to a wedding, and they said that I could take it off.  THEN, 2 days ago, they called me and said if I didn't work friday AND saturday, I'm fired.  So my mom cancelled going to her wedding and I feel so bad about it.  But, then, I got invited to my friends quienceanara on the same day.  I have no clue what to do.  I'm probably gonna go to work, leave an hour early, and then go straight there.  I don't know.  -sigh-  Any ideas?  Thanks for listening to my rant even though I'm pretty sure nobody reads this :(  But yeah, thanks <3  I might get back into the simming community soon.  Once I get my grades up.  I currently have a D and 3 C's and an A and 2 B's.  Ew.  If I get a C, I get my computer taken away D:

Bye <3 <3 <3
